Wednesday 19 September 2012


Most women dread the thought of turning 50....  I, on the other hand, thought differently.  To me, it marks the next chapter in my Life's Journey.  It is a time of my life that I can take back and reclaim it as my own. 

Don't get me life thus far has been perfect.  Even though the road leading this far was never an easy one to travel, I have learned so much from it.  And so, as I turned 50, I have now taken all those lessons that I have learned and gathered with me, and can now apply it for the next half of my life.  People say that once you reach 50, it is downhill all the way.  Not for me.  I am going to enjoy the rest of my life and live it to the fullest...

I turned 50 in July and had the most fantastic time celebrating it.  I held a "Mad Hatter's Tea Party" themed birthday and all my family and close friends were invited. The day turned out just as I had wished for, and more.  For days afterwards, I felt I was still in Wonderland....I just did not want to go back through that door....

I am so excited for where my Life's Journey path is next going to take me.... I am ready to discover the best years of my life...

Just a few pictures to give you a feel of what it was like...

My hubby & I
Coming through the Rabbit Hole

Some of the Mad-Hatters

 Through the Rabbit Hole...

My dear friend Denese, thank you, without your help there would not
have been any Wonderland...

I had the time of my life
And finally...